Golden Bead Multiplication, Montessori Math At Home

We are working with our Golden Bead Materials and small number cards that we created at home.

Introducing Grammar Solids & Symbols, Montessori Language & Grammar At Home

Silent "e" Object Box Activity, Montessori Language At Home

I love this Silent "e" Object Box. This work is usually done during Green Series, but we found it helpful to work with silent 'e' now.

Pumpkin, Squash & Gourds, In The Garden At Home, Sorting & Identification Activity

 This was a fun activity.  I thought Xander would find it very interesting to find out that there were many pumpkin varieties not just orange. Yes pumpkins are squash and we discussed that but also some of the various other squash varieties, some that he did recognize.  We talked about colour shape and what the flesh was like, and used for.  Daddy's famous Zucchini bread is a big one in our house.  He got a big kick out of spaghetti squash.

 We sorted all the cards, and set out a few pie pumpkins and gourds for him to check out.  We also grew pumpkin & zucchini and butternut squash in our garden.

Blue Series Object Boxes, Montessori Language At Home

We are just beginning Blue Series Language Materials and here are our Object Boxes.  There are several other words in every box, I have laid out a few from each to give you a good idea of what we did.  We were able to find objects from around the house to complete every box. 

Plural Noun Object Boxes, Montessori Language & Grammar At Home

This work is usually covered in Elementary Noun Grammar work. We have decided to incorporate some of this work now. This works for Xander since his reading has progressed so quickly and it feels right for us. 
I will show you the contents we have put together for simple plural nouns in the first two boxes and then progressing to plural rules for boxes 3 and 4.

Plural object boxes are amazing.  I have four boxes. Box # 1 contains three letter words from the pink series.

Then we move along to more advanced words.

Buying Montessori Materials Online, Company Review From Our Experience Buying Online

We have made several Montessori material orders, and I wanted to share our experience with you. I am so happy to have our orders in!

Halloween Memory Match Activity, Halloween Activities At Home

In the spirit of Halloween we created Jack O' Lantern memory math cards
  They were a big hit 💕

DIY Continents Mat, Montessori Geography Materials At Home

This was a very simple, and inexpensive mat to make!
This is our version of a Montessori inspired World Continents Mat. I used painters canvas because I had it on hand from making our Land, Water & Air Mat here.

Here's how we made ours...

  I hand painted the canvas background with acrylic paints that I watered down.  

DIY Land, Water & Air Mat, Montessori Early Geography At Home

This is our version of a Land, Water & Air Mat. This lesson is highly recognized, and has many versions and DIY options for presentation. We started as most do with a set of jars containing soil, water, and the third empty to represent air.

This is how we created our mat...

DIY Land & Water Form Activity Mat, Montessori Early Geography Materials At Home

 I was inspired to create this mat by an amazing Land and Water Form Mat I'd found online, but it was very expensive. So we decided it would be amazing to make it.  

Early Montessori Math Materials, Montessori Math At Home

I thought I would share a sample of some early math activities that have been happening in our house. Xander has been looking for new ways of using many of his early math materials.  We have been having fun with it!

These are his number rod cards, and he is using a box of bead stairs that we put together to make combinations for each number.  We did start this with search for 10 originally.