Montessori At Home, A Peek At Our Home Learning Adventure

I thought we'd share a little peek into our days.

 Knobbed Cylinders

Metal insets

 Continent's Puzzle Map

Shell discovery

Playing in the leaves 💕

 Nut & Bolt Activity

So many exciting and fun things happening! 
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  1. What an awesome learning environment. Your children are very lucky.

  2. Thank you...that's wonderful to hear:))

  3. Cherine, you have such a wonderful gifted heart for all your sharing. This past year, you and MontessoriTidbits have been my favourite montessori sites. Thanks so, so much! Oh, I see your kids work sitting on your large table. Why? This might be something my 4yo would love. Do you have a post about how your learning time starts and goes and the process. I'm also havingto incorporate a 2 yo to our learning world too. I love how your daughter is just around doing her thing too.

    1. Hi Tracey!!!
      Well...we really do not have a specific routine - this works differently for everyone - I think you need to do what you are comfortable with. Some weeks are all about math, others language. We spend lots of time with arts and crafts, science and outdoor activities, cooking and, computer time and LOTS of reading.
      We have a large collection of developmental design & construct toys and activities. We go on museum trips and outings two or three times per month. Our son attends Theater and History classes with our home school group…during this time Ava has play dates with the other tiny ones in our group & I get to visit with some fantastic moms.
      He also goes to Beavers and swim classes once per week. He was in a French/Spanish Class as well, and may attend in the future once the program is more established. We are doing really fun audio French lessons together now, accompanied with greats books. Xander is thinking about guitar lessons too:)
      The kids love to work and play anywhere and everywhere, but not “usually” sitting on my table… though they do love working and playing at this table:) We frequently use yoga mats for play & work, and we also have 4 different child size tables with chairs or cubes in key areas that we use often.
      At this point I always have versions - or similar activities so that our 3 year old can work along beside her brother, as she loves to do. I will say I did try out a more ridged schedule for us in the beginning, but I found (for us) it worked much more harmoniously to match the schedule to their needs. That being said I do have a work plan/goals continually on the go that we work to achieve. Our work periods are very focused and productive…but I do not set myself or the children up for unnecessary stress…meaning…given their age…if someone(including me) is having an off moment or day we structure our activities accordingly. I use the Montessori Research & Development Manuals…you will see a link to them on the side.
      Thank you so much for your kind comments!!
      I wish you the very very best:))
      PS... I love Montessori Tidbits too:))

  4. Wow! That's a great school room. Thank you for sharing!



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