In Museums With Kids, A Visit to the Montreal Arts Center & Science Center

 We were so very lucky to see the Terracotta Warriors exhibit in Montreal!  This was such an incredible exhibit to see! Sadly they do not allow pictures inside the exhibit, but I will tell you it was so stunning!

When we are in Montreal it is usually to visit the Science Center! Since were already there we could not pass up a trip!

This is a large discovery room with all kids of mechanisms and gizmos to explore and interact with!

This Science Centre is by far one of our favourites!

Science Centre love 💕

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  1. hi i have 2.5 year old boy and would love to teach him the way you do with your children! i would be very grateful if you could advise me where to start, what to buy etc as all the stuff for montessori seems to be very expensive and I'm afraid that I'll overload him and myself and do it wrong! what to do / get/make first??? i really love the maths and reading items but also like the map puzzles... can you recommend a book or site that explains how to do it, what to get ...?
    by the way I LOVE your classroom and the globes-i will be making one of my own globes shortly!!!
    thank you again

  2. I appreciate your comments so much. Our start was gradual. We have many materials but it has taken time to make and assemble them. This process has been interesting and I've come across certain things that would have made things much easier. You need good manuals. Montessori Print Shop sells some printable less expensive versions that look wonderful. I can help with questions for making materials and many things but think you should talk to Deb from Living Montessori Now
    She has a book on her site you should also think about...Montessori At Home- is a complete, practical guide to home early learning, written just for parents
    Check these things out and if you have any other questions for me or how we do things in our home please ask!!! Good Luck!!


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)