DIY Grammar Solids, Montessori Grammar Materials At Home

Our Grammar solids are one of most favourite materials that we have made. They are so beautiful and fun to work with. We created these with pine scraps. The spheres were purchased at a craft store.
They were incredibly inexpensive and we used the paint from creating our grammar boxes. You could certainly use craft paint.

I spray painted these on a skewer, there was a hole in the bottom as they were screwed to a board for cutting. 

We still need to make the adjective pyramid. 

The most important thing to me was that they were as close in proportion in relation to one another  as we could get to those you purchase.

 The pyramids in our set are all square based.  They were made using a compound mitre saw.  My husband screwed the squares of wood securely to a board for safety purposes (meaning he did not hold these with his hands for cutting), as these are quite small to be cutting using this type of saw.  I am sure there are many ways to do this, but it worked great for us. The preposition was cut with a jigsaw again poss not the perfect saw for the job, but it looks pretty great!

If you make the solids please share your work with us we'd love to see them!

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  1. These look awesome! I bet they lasted the test of time. I don't have space for tools so I have made our symbols with Polymer clay. I moulded each one by hand in the right colours, baked them, sanded them to perfection and painted them glossy. Just wanted to share an alternative. I'm going to try making grammar card boxes from your pattern, though. A hand saw and balsa wood might be enough (I hope!)

    1. Thank you so much!! They really have lasted well, and are so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your clay method!! I bet they are so fantastic! Thank you for sharing <3


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)