DIY Land & Water Sandpaper Globe, Montessori Geography Materials At Home

I decided to make our Montessori Sandpaper Land and Water Globe as well, after seeing so many other fantastic globes that other Montessori blog moms have made! 

I started out with an old globe from a used site that I found online. The globe was in great condition but outdated and as I mentioned in our DIY Continents Globe post it doesn't matter because you will be painting it out.

I painted in the water with several coats of blue craft paint.  

I used wood glue to apply the sand. This is messy so you may want to do this outside or over a large trap or on paper. I would not water the glue down because it will drip down the globe. I applied the glue to small areas. 
If the glue is applied heavily in small areas it will hold much more sand.  
I used beach sand from a family vacation in PEI that is very fine.

After the first coat of sand dried I did a second over top.  

 Wood glue holds the sand so amazingly well! I really loved the extra raised texture two coats gives.

You can also paint the land areas brown, and apply one coat of sand, what ever you like!
After the globe completely dried we applied three coats of a clear mat spray sealer.

The results are an amazing tactile experience for your child. 
Let us know if you make one!

If you are interested we have created a set of Montessori Land & Water Form 3 Part Cards & Definition Booklet. It is available at our Printables Store.

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  1. Wow! Your globe looks fantastic. Thank you for sharing your technique. Well done!

  2. It was wonderful to make this for the kids...thank you for the comment!!

  3. Your materials always look so professionally done, Cherine! You definitely have a talent at material making! I featured your post and photo in my DIY Montessori Globes post at

    1. Wow!! Thank you... we do our best:)) You are so kind to include us:))

  4. Cherine, this is beautiful! I'm really enjoying your blog this morning. You've got several years worth of resources for me to wade through. ;)

    I'd like to ask about the form you used here for the globe. Is it just a conventional globe? What a good idea.

    Thanks again!

    1. Thank you...I'm happy to hear you are checking and enjoying:)) I found this globe on a used Kijiji site...nothing special and standard.
      It was out of date (makes no difference for this purpose), but in great condition!
      I had seen others make great ones - I thought it was a great idea too:)

      Thank you so much :)

  5. I love your globe. where did you get the globe it self

    1. Thanks Abby!! I bought it from a used buy/sell site. Good luck with it if you make one!!


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)