DIY Montessori Number Cards & Boxes, Montessori Materials At Home

There are many ways that you can contain your handmade number cards. We are sharing our simple DIY Number Card Boxes with you today.

These were made with scrap pine lumber.  The sides and dividers are made from 2 x 4" that has been ripped down with a table saw, and wood glued. The base is a rectangle of Masonite. The tape is acting as a clamp. You can also use lattice moulding. You can cut your pieces to match the size of the cards that you are using.

Montessori math eventually requires or asks for 3 sets of small number cards, and one large set. 
We decided that for our purpose buying three more sets of small cards seemed a bit expensive. We opted to print and create our boxes.
These sets are used for all operations in early math with the golden bead materials.
We often each take a set and "make" a number, and then make it with golden beads on our felt DIY felt place value mat.  This is one of many many uses.  For full use of these with the Golden bead materials I would suggest getting a manual/album I bought several manuals from Montessori Research & Development.

If you are interested visit our Printables Store to check out our Number Card Package.

We have greatly enjoyed using these boxes.
If you make the boxes please let us know!

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  1. Cherine, can I ask you what your felt operation mat looks like?

    Thank you!

    1. Here is a link to see it.

      Lots of people make them as well:))


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)