Quick & Easy DIY Nomenclature Booklets

We purchased our Nomenclature books & 3 Part Cards at Montessori Print Shop  

I bought a package of duo-tang/ report covers from Staples and cut them about a 1/2" from the end of my booklet.  I cut the cover again to fit the height of my booklets.  The result is simply tiny duo-tangs.  Now that they are cut down - each folder is left with one butterfly fastener.  I bought a package of these fasteners and hole punched the new tiny folder to give it two fasteners.  I cut down the booklets and hole punched them.  I took the book cover, and covered it with clear contact  paper leaving a small edge around it, and adhered it to the cover.

You do need to hole punch your pages fairly close to the edge to ensure the text is very visible when turning the pages. You can also simply punch new holes in the duo-tang that are further out.

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  1. Just found this post. What a clever and easy way to make Nomenclature Books!! We'll definitely link up to this on our tutorial page. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you!! We have had such a great time with your wonderful materials:))

  2. I am sooo thrilled to have come across your site. You and your husband are the ideal Montessori parents. There is so much I could say to compliment you both, but I'm fairly certain the rewards of being engaged are in and of themselves fulfilling for you - sharing with us is our fortunate reward. I'll write more another time. For now, THANK YOU! Ann

    1. Thank you!!! I am happy you found us Ann!! What a lovely complement...so greatly appreciated by us both <3 You are certainly correct in that this experience has and continues to be so fulfilling and rewarding for us both!! Thanks again!!!


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