Early Montessori Math Materials, Montessori Math At Home

I thought I would share a sample of some early math activities that have been happening in our house. Xander has been looking for new ways of using many of his early math materials.  We have been having fun with it!

These are his number rod cards, and he is using a box of bead stairs that we put together to make combinations for each number.  We did start this with search for 10 originally.  

My husband made this box for us, and we filled it with extra bead bars that I purchased.  I have since purchased the Bead Decanomial from Kid Advance. This box will serve is us well to borrow from for other materials. I will also use it for the checker board, and just remove the ten bars.  I saw no need in our case to purchase both.

Addition with the Teens Boards. I laid out a bead bar for each number, and his challenge was to find the missing bars.  He was counting the difference on his fingers.  He loves the Seguin Boards, and is always looking for a new (to him) activity for them.

 This was simply writing out the hanging bead stair as addition problems. 

This is the tray of wooden blocks, people, balls (flat on one side) that we use for math. 
 We made the cubes. The kids absolutely LOVE this tray.

We have made many math introductions using this tray.

  We also worked from tables, and random problem slips.

Multiplication Bead Board.  He was sweet with this. He loved setting up the board, and after a few problems insisted on presenting it to me 💕

 These are the dice I purchased from a teaching resource store.  I like them because they are over sized and Xander finds them very interesting.  He rolls the dice to create simple problems to solve. The dice in this case have addition and subtraction.

 I thought I would show these to you because they are so inexpensive and work so well. I found these plastic shot glasses at a party supply store.  They work perfectly for our golden unit beads.

We decided to make a selection of problem slip sheets for recording.  Basically colour coded boxes. The large over sized slips are amazing early on.  We also use the sheets below these for various activities.  I did do all of our slips from Unit to 1000, as every time he uses them it also becomes an exercise in place value.

We have created an affordable early math materials package that you can find at our Printables Store.
I hope you are enjoying your early math activities                                     at home!

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  1. You've got some good math stuff going on! Awesome!

  2. I am new to Montessori and it all looks very ovewhelming to me and expensive too. I will try not to give it up but I am having a difficult time. Beautiful work you are doing! I will look up to you.

    1. Montessori can look overwhelming at first and it can be very expensive but...there are so many things and versions you can make yourself. Living Montessori Now is a great resource and Montessori for Everyone has great information but the best peice of advice I got was to start at the beginning and start small:)) I have all the links I used on my sidebar check out the videos by Margaret they will show you everything right from the beginning...it's a good start. Good luck and thank you for coming by and leaving such a kind comment:))

  3. Where did u purchase the wooden block people? I've been looking for some open ended figures for my block area everywhere and your's are perfect!

    1. They are!! I bought them from our local apple orchard - they had a flea market type section, they were such a great find!!


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)