Building an Inuksuk With Kids, History At Home

Our beautiful neighbours are from Iqaluit, and have and Inuksuk on their lawn that Xander has always admired. He was interested to learn more, and build a few different designs.
We started by learning a bit about the Inuksuk, and did a google image search to explore and find designs.  

I bought the stones from the dollar store but you could collect stones for the project.  Xander made his designs horizontally on the table, and then I applied hot glue while he placed the stones.  The hot glue is not permanent at all though, it's a quick solution to place and adhere the stones fairly solidly and quickly.  
I will add an epoxy later. 

Xander had so much fun.  He also made a few free form sculptures.

He loved choosing the stones for his creations.

This was a fun project for Xander.  

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  1. Really love this idea! Your son is too cute doing it. I featured your post on the Montessori MOMents facebook page. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. Thank you...he was so funny making these. He is giving one to our neighbour as a gift:))


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