Loom Knitting With Kids, Montessori Practical Life At Home

We have all been loom knitting, and it is so much fun! Xander is making a scarf for his sister.
They are a very kid friendly way to teach them to knit.  The projects can be very simple to very elaborate creations.  We bought a round set and straight set.

Xander started his scarf on a straight loom, but we soon after transferred his to a round loom.
 The pegs are larger and easier for him to negotiate.

He can hold it on it's side in his lap to get a better angle for hooking the yarn. I was given a couple of tips when I bought these. You can use bulky yarn or you can use two thinner strands together.
 If you were to purchase smaller gauge looms (usually metal pegs) the finer the yarn you can use.

So cute!

I made these for Miss Ava, and a few for myself 💕

Happy loom knitting!

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  1. Where's Ava's scarf? I wanna see how it goes when a kid does it...

  2. He's still working on it:)) The scarf is longer so he does some and I will do a few rows...I'll pop in another picture of him working on the round loom and the progress...it's so awesome!!!


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