Green Series Reading Materials, Montessori Language At Home

These folders or sets of word cards are an adaptation of some of the work for Green Series that you will find in a manual or album.

Learning to recognise and read Phonograms is another amazing important part of the Montessori reading journey.  This work part of the Green Series reading materials. Phonograms are combined (mainly consonant and vowel) letter sounds that do not always sound phonetically some examples would be "wr" sounds as "rrrr", "oa" and  "oe" both make the long "O" sound.
Sight recognition of phonograms is a very important piece of the puzzle when learning to read.  In the beginning with our letter sound bags, boxes or cabinets then Pink Series reading our children have become very used to sounding phonetically. Heading into blends with the Blue Series and forward to Green we are encountering more complex phonograms.

To download a very inexpensive set check here. This blog also has Phonogram 3 part cards though you certainly could make your own, but these are wonderful for the initial introduction to phonograms along with Sandpaper Phonogram Cards . You can also very easily make these the same as you might make sandpaper letter cards look here.

These are the phonograms included in the retail box.

These are the 3 part cards I purchased here.

 This is Xander working with the sandpaper cards  this set includes simple consonant digraphs and more complex Phonograms.  We started with phonograms like "th, sh, ch first.
We created word lists for each of these you can also include photos beside the words.
He practiced writing them with chalk, but you can also use your sand tray.  We did object for "th"  "ch"  "sh" here.  Silent "e" is another lesson we moved quickly on look here.

  I decided it would be fun to do the Phonogram Folders in a Power Point Presentation for Xander.  

 This is so much fun because we can record the blend or phonogram sound on the beginning page.  

Phonogram Folders - you can print them off and contain them to your preference - envelopes ( these are adorable) baskets, bags, boxes. I don't think it matters. I used the ones in the link for my inspiration in making folders for my set of cards below.

I used scrapbook paper in green. I trimmed the paper to a width I thought would accommodate our cards comfortably, and then started folding back and forth to create pockets. 
I did have to play around with this a bit.  I made a spacer to get even folds, and then I made a covers.  I taped all the folds around the sides, and also the back, cover, and label.  I will laminate (it's much easier to laminate if everything is tacked together with tape) the back and front cover to hold everything securely, and for durability. 
You can make separate packets for each individual phonogram, and then put the sets in another folder, however I thought it may work better for our needs to house all of  the cards in one labelled packet.  There are a few phonograms that I would like to add, so I will make them on my own.

Best of luck putting your Green Series 
materials together!

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  1. Hi Cherine. Love that Power Point Presentation idea. Is there any chance you would share the document? Thanks, Zara

  2. Hi Cherine, This is such a great idea. You're so creative. Would you mind sharing the power point file with me? You could email me directly at sususaya(at)hotmail(dot) com. I'm still new at homeschooling and montessori. So, any help would be greatly appreciated. Ps: I respect your work & copyright will always remain yours. (my husband does photography, so, i know the 'sacredness' of copyrights). Many thanks, Zara


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