Compound & Root Word Study, Montessori Language & Mechanics At Home

We started with a few simple objects and cards for our initial compound word presentation.

This is a screen shot of the compound word Power point presentation that I put together for Xander.   I have been doing several of these lately in addition to print materials, because he really loves them. 

The animations go as follows: both root word pictures are present on the page, then the first root word slides into place (as above "wind"), then the second slides in.  After a few seconds the compound word bounces in on top, with the image of the new compound word. 

Xander thought of words, and I typed them on our list.  We examined them and decided if they were indeed a compound word.  Xander used the cursor to separate the words, to find the root words.  He jumped around all over the house looking for compound words.
We also have a set of printed compound words for practice.

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1 comment:

  1. hi this is great , i do lots of work off the computer screen , going a bit green and saving ion paper and ink specially when the kids get the work so quickly and move on to new things . would you share your power point presentations please


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