Ava's Urea Cycle Disorder, Coming Home

Our little Miss Ava was admitted to CHEO children's hospital last week. She was taken by ambulance in the night last Thursday as she was unconscious. Ava has been diagnosed with a metabolic condition called Urea Cycle Disorder. This condition does not allow her liver to convert ammonia to urea after processing protein. This causes a dangerous level of ammonia to accumulate in her blood stream. With amazing and swift care they were able to quickly get control of the level of ammonia. Ava regained consciousness on Monday. It is looking at this point like there is no neurological damage. It has been a long seven days. Miss Ava has made a steady recovery with vidulence and monitoring we hope to never have a recurrence.
With luck Ava will be coming home tomorrow.
We are overwhelmed with gratitude for all the thoughts and prayers that have come to us for Miss Ava 💕

Gratitude 💕

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  1. Oh my goodness! How scary! I'm so glad that she is coming home and there was no brain damage. What does this mean in regards to her diet in the future?

  2. I am so sorry about what has happened to you guys. My thoughts are with you, and your lovely daughter

  3. It is so good that Ava is able to come home. My prayers are with your family. Lovely photos.

  4. Thank you for the lovely thoughts and prayers:)

  5. So happy your little princess it's home now!!! My prayers are with you and your family!! God bless you all!!


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