Preposition Introduction, Montessori Grammar & Language At Home

 I thought I would show what we are doing with preposition work, and are having great fun doing it.
Montessori Reasearch & Development LANGUAGE ARTS MANUAL VOL. V, EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER MANUAL 3-6 Grammar
 This manual includes introduction to early grammar, including all of the Grammar Farm instruction and lessons.  There are lots of variations and things you can add to these lessons if you wish in effort to do what works for your child. You can check out the table of contents on their website.

This is the preposition booklet Xander made at the end of the preposition object box lesson.  The box lesson idea and game came from here and here.

He had way to much fun demonstrating prepositions. This was such a fun game and at the end we talked about what all of these words had in common.

He made sentences with cards I created for the object box (again see the link above), and objects to demonstrate. Xander created a few silly sentences, his favourite being "The bed is on the dog." 
Then he recorded the sentences in his journal, and stencilled the symbols over each word.

Then we did a bit of work with our preposition grammar box.  Xander loved this box!  I used objects and words from our grammar farm and created simple preposition sentence strips.  He constructed the sentences, placed the symbols and arranged the objects to match.

Then he recorded his sentences this time using the corresponding coloured pencils to parts of speech.
So far we are having tons of fun with these early introductions to grammar.

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  1. I love Your language work. Looks like so much fun!

    1. Thank you!! It has been so much fun...Xander says all the time how much fun grammar work is...seems funny but it's so true with Montessori:))

  2. He's super adorable! Looks like he's having a blast...


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