Thank you From Making Montessori Ours

We are so grateful, thankful and thrilled for all of the amazing support, thoughts and prayers we have received for Miss Ava from our beautiful families, friends and even strangers!
Thank you to Leann over at Montessori Tidbits you have such a kind heart 💕

Ava is home now and doing very well.  We are hoping her Urea Cycle Disorder will be successfully managed with diet and medication.
We were very lucky to have Ava's Metabolics Doctor, and all of the doctors nurses at CHEO.  I would like to say though that our beautiful metabolic dietitian has been the most amazing, caring,  knowledgeable, and incredible person we have ever met. She made all the difference for us in getting through this.  

CHEO has amazing play and craft rooms with wonderful staff and volunteers these services make all the difference in the quality of life for patients.  I also can't say enough about the Phlebotomy ladies they were incredible!
Truly one day at a time...
Thank you again to all 💕

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  1. So glad to hear she's doing well. :) She and your whole family has been in our prayers and thoughts and we've been sending lots of healing energy. Leann is a sweetheart too and it's how I found out Ava was ill as I don't do facebook much.


    1. Thank you Honey:)) You have been so kind and thoughtful. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for Miss Ava:))

  2. I am very glad to know that Miss Ava fell better .My children asked about Miss Ava everyday .I have always come to visit you blog to read about you news.It is very good to know about your good news.Miss you and your children.

    1. You and you children are so very sweet:)) I so hope we will be back in the swing of things this week!!!


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