Fruit & Vegetable Matching

This is a simple activity I put together for Ava.  The fruit and veggies are from our play kitchen here.  All of the fruit and veggies are connected with Velcro, so I placed the halves in separate bowls.  Ava matched the fruit and veg halves, and then found the card to match.  I created the cards.  There are many amazing three part cards out there for this type of activity, but I thought she would enjoy finding this version of the activity.
This activity is wonderful for so many reasons, directly of course to match and learn the names of fruits and veggies along with motor control.  You can also talk about texture, colour and size. Later she will classify them. You can also print duplicates of your cards for memory match.


  1. The vegetable velcro set brought back such fond memories of when my kids were very young! They loved those things.

    Kyle Sadler

    1. Oh my gosh ...I know ...they are so wonderful!!!!!

  2. I love your vegetable matching activity where do u get cards to go with this? My e mail address is marla.mlotek@sympatico .ca thank you!

    1. Thank you! I made the cards and will look for the file to send to you :)


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