Theatre For Kids, New Puppets & Shakespeare For Kids

 Melissa & Doug are making the most amazing line of puppets now!! These are the ones we chose to add to our puppet family on the kids birthday.

 They are such fantastic quality, great size and excellent value for the cost.  I've had my eye on them for a while, and am so glad we purchased them.

I recently purchased these books from  Shakespeare for kids is a fantastic book for children to learn about his life and times. The activities are wonderful make a sword, quill pen, design a coat of arms, make a Pomander Ball (hanging fruit studded with cloves), and so many others it's just wonderful.   

The second book is wonderful also. This series of books are written by Lois Burdett from Stratford, Ontario Canada.  

Xander attends theatre class and just loves it.  The Director is a mentor for our children, and community around her.  She has a great love and respect of the arts and children what a great mix.  She offers classes to our home school group, as well community. 

If you would like to see how I made the puppet theater check out this post.

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  1. Wow this is fantastic


  2. We have been immersed in learning about Shakespeare! We saw Romeo and Juliet twice this summer. My daughter just made clay figurines of characters inspired by her learning. These puppets look like they will be on the hands of your children for hours! Have fun!!

    1. Wow! That is so exciting!! I am really excited to see what he thinks:)) Clay figures! Such a cute idea:)) The kids have been LOVING the puppets...I think you're right:))


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