Garden Preserving With Kids, Montessori Practical Life At Home

Every year we plant a vegetable garden, and the kids have been planting, weeding and harvesting since they were able.  Xander eats everything right out of the garden, even zucchini!!  
Xander planted his own rows of beans, peas and carrots this year.

We had many changes to our gardens this year including transplanting a massive 180sq' patch of lilies, so plenty of opportunity for the kids to get in some very hands on learning in the garden.

Xander rescued this guy from the pool.

A great Friend of mine grew up on a farm, and every year they set up a large outdoor processing and  preserving operation.  This is our tiny version. We are thinking this will become a new family tradition thanks my awesome friend.  This was such a great thing to do as a family!

Lots of tomato washing!!!

Lots of tomato processing.  Ava called the processor the "Whizzer".

                                                                           Well done 💕

On to zucchini!!!

A great pair of Wobble Goggles never hurt 😃

This was so much fun! There are a million ways to preserve, and everyone has their preferences.   In our case we chose to freeze everything!!  There will be a lot of zucchini bread in our house this winter 💕

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  1. Love your garden!!! and your patio!! Beautiful post!

  2. Memories the children will never forget! And a skill to continue in their own family if they so choose! Looks like fun! :)

    1. Thank you for the inspiration, and idea good Lady Anita:))


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