Learning About Herbs, Kids In The Kitchen

Xander loves to help cook and bake.  He helped out with making our Thanksgiving stuffing this year. Our recipe includes a mix of lots fresh herbs.  We have a small kitchen herb garden beside our backdoor stairs, and Xander can often be found forging around in there eating leaves.  He especially loves chives 💕

Preparing bread crumbs with Nan

Our collection of garden herbs.  Xander harvested the herbs we needed, washed and dried them.  Then we talked about different types of herbs, and how we remove the leaves from the stems.

He loved thyme

Learning to use our mezzaluna

This is a beautiful set of Herb cards from Montessori Print Shop that I purchased for .99 cents!!
I liked this set because it included most every herb we use regularly, and grow in our garden.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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