Weaving For Kids, Montessori Practical Life At Home Peg Loom Weaving Kit

We bought this Harrisville Designs weaving kit from from amazon. The company has a very interesting history.

This kit was very easy, and fun to use.  The instructions included a couple of simple project ideas. Xander loved using it.  He worked away and created length enough to make a little bag.

The kit comes with enough wool to make one project. 

Working hard.  The weaving went very quickly, and the change in colour was fantastic because Xander could easily see his progress. He was very excited to get to each new colour.

This peg loom is a very simple design and it would be very easy to make a much larger one.

We worked together to stitch the sides of the bag.

Xander learned how to braid a strap for the bag.

We made a felt flower, and stitched it on with embroidery thread.  
Xander gave this as a gift to a very special friend 💕

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