Life Cycle Of The Garden, Montessori Practical Life At Home

Our veg and flower gardens have been such a source of learning and enjoyment for our family.  This was the first year that they both took particular notice, and participation in the full life cycle of our garden. 

Xander helped in the layout and planning, learned about seeds, germination and how to read seed packet symbols.  We talked about the needs plants, and required space for planting, supports and staking. The kids picked out our seeds and annual flowers.  Xander learned the difference between perennial and annual plantings.

They both helped to plant and care for the garden.  We observed each plant, and took note of changes and development of the fruit and vegetables.  We learned about ripening and harvest.  We also took special notice and note, of all of our insect visitors. We weeded, composted, and transplanted flowers.

Xander collected seeds from various plants to dry and preserve, to see if we can get them to grow next year.

They helped with processing, preserving and lots of baking!!

A last look at our garden as the season comes to a close, and we prepare for winter.

This is a completely hands on way to learn about the life cycle of plants. 
Easily done though any time of the year with container gardening.

Cheers to our garden!

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