Gingerbread Houses, Building Fun Simple Gingerbread Houses With Kids

Every year we do gingerbread houses with the kids.  We have great fun looking for all kinds of fun treats to add to our houses. Generally we visit a bulk store to find a great selection goodies.

This year we also did wafer houses! These are the packaged rectangular wafers that come in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. We used them like blocks, and built a couple of really cute houses 😀

We have also used graham crackers to build. These were just super easy to put together. We do love bigger houses but these felt a little easier to work with and the 
kids could build these with minimal help 💗

Side note: Xander was fascinated checking out pine and spruce needles with this tiny pocket scope that we bought here!!

Every year we have some special friends who visit and decorate cookies with us.
Ava is getting our cookies ready for this fun!

Xander LOVES to give Christmas cards, and this was his station to get them ready for friends 💕

Our card station includes handmade and purchased cards, stickers, markers, coloured pens, pencils and crayons!

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