Colour Mixing Activities, Colour Learning Package Including Colour Bugs, Butterflies & Colour Wheels

We have been working on our Elements of Art - Colour Theory Unit with Xander & Ava.  I thought I would show Ava's Butterfly Colour Mixing project.  I do set up all projects we are working on with a version for Ava, and in addition projects just for her. 

This project is from ART is Fundamental - there are many versions of this project available.

I did a quick line drawing of a butterfly, folded and cut. I did three, to mix primaries. These were done with card stock.

I found this wonderful lady bug idea on Pinterest. While the photo was pinned, I was unable to find the source.  In their version they used construction paper (looked like), cut and assembled the lady bugs, and laminated. 
I really loved the idea and decided to make my own in Publisher.  These are a wonderful idea, and if anyone knows the original source please let me know, so I can pop in an inspiration link directly.

This was fun and simple.  Ava squeezed her paint directly onto the halves, folded her butterfly together, and rubbed.  She opened and closed the wings several times (fun), to get a good mix.

Here she also gobbed the paint on with a sponge brush 😃

This was such a fun project.  The butterflies look so pretty in our Spring Art display.
I thought it would be fun to offer FREE documents for the projects we have been working on in this post and also our Elements of Art - Colour Theory Unit.  

If you are interested in our Colour Learning Package you can visit our Printables Store.

There are a few Montessori Colour recognition activities that are long time favourites this is one ðŸ’™

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1 comment:

  1. Love this color unit you are doing, I'm heading over to facebook for the freebies. Thanks for the inspiration.


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