Montessori Angle Work, A Bedtime Trip To Angleland

This is an amazing series of  Math Story books introducing different math concepts in really fun story format.  Daddy read Angleland to Xander.  To accompany this, I added in our Montessori Lucite Fractions Box - Montessori Outlet, and Montessori Protractor - Kidadvance (comes in a set of two circles-one protractor for fraction insets, and one that shows the conversion of a fraction to a decimal).

This is an amazon affiliate link

This protractor is wonderful!! This fraction box is a tight fit for the protractor, and in fact it is actually used with the fraction (puzzle) circles - for our "bedtime" use it was easier to bring this box, and it worked well regardless.

After reading and chatting about the book.  Daddy made a series of angle requests for Xander to retrieve from the box.  He requested 360, 180, and 90 degree angles to start. He requested "obtuse" and "acute" angled pieces.


He was asked to retrieve angles in word problems for example can you find an angle that is more than 90 but less than 180 degrees?

Daddy asked Xander to do some estimation, and comparative work.

 see how close he was

Asking Xander to find the angle of Pac Man's mouth 😃 
Xander was very intrigued by this.

Then they had fun with directions in "angles"... for Xander to navigate his way out of the room, and through the hall.  Turn 90 degrees right, and so forth.

What a great bedtime story...

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  1. I love the fun way to end the day. It is indeed proof that school doesn't need to be limited to day time hours, or have a quitting time, (schedules are necessary, I know, but I don't think learning has to have a cut off time)! That is another one of the things I love about homeschooling - because the learning environment isn't completely different from the home environment, there isn't a mental shut down, regardless of the time of day - it's perfectly natural to be open to 'a lesson' regardless of whether it's breakfast time or bedtime :) Especially in such a fun way as this one! I am making it a point to make sure to get those books!

    1. You are speaking to my heart Amy!! I could not agree more with everything you have said!! Bedtime has always been a quiet relaxed time for Xander, he loves to go up and read and have one on one time with us doing all sorts of is a magical time for us:) We have done so many types of informal lessons at this time. I think you need to zone into what works best for your children, and take it from there:) Thank you so much for taking the time to give such wonderful feedback:)

  2. I love those books and need to get my hands on them. DJ is into lego robotics programming too, it is always easier to show them important concepts when they are interested. You always impress me with your wonderful talent of weaving in those concepts into Xander's learning so naturally.

    Thank you for sharing.

    1. It is such a great series!!! Isn't robotics just fantastic... very cool!! Yes I agree... we have had great success with many concepts when we can relate to them on a personal and practical level. You are so very sweet :) Thank you!!

  3. Great post!
    We love the Sir Circumference books also but we havent read this one yet.
    Would you share where you got your Montessori protractor, please? I havent heard of this before but it looks like something we will need

    1. The protractor is from Kid Advance, and the box of fraction circles came from Montessori Outlet.
      I am sure you will enjoy this book as much as the rest:))

    2. thank you for sharing where the protractor came from - I had wondered the same thing, but was just going to spend the time finding it myself! That saves me some time!

    3. I have updated the post with the links!!


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