Kids Maple Syrup Making, A Visit To The Sugar Bush

I have been visiting the Cataraqui Region Conservation Area & Sugar Bush since I was a child. 
For the past few years we have paid a visit with our own children.
Above is the beautiful Visitor Center.

We took the covered wagon ride out to the bush.  Ava was mesmerized watching the landscape, as we travelled along the path.

You hop off the wagon, and it is a short walk to the sugar bush.

The kids get to check out the buckets on the way in :)

Above is the pancake house and sugar shack:)

The kids LOVE these stairs, it's like climbing to a new world to discover!!

Above is a setup of logs where the kids learn about tapping trees, and tree identification.

They have an amazing display of syrup making methods over the years. Above is the First Nations early method of using carved out logs to boil the sap in.  They heated rocks in the fire, and placed them in the logs to boil the sap.

They have great information boards explaining the methods as you move through the area, and displays.

Below Xander learned how to tap a tree!!

He learned the proper way to drill out the hole, clean it, and insert a spile. This guide was so friendly and knowledgeable, it was a great learning experience. Xander gave a little lesson of what he had learned to the children afterward... I was so pleased that he encouraged that.

Enjoying some homemade pancakes, and fresh maple syrup:)

We love this book.  It was fun to read, and full of information.

We couldn't get away without buying some syrup!!

We had a friend give us some sap to boil at home!!
We did a small amount inside on the stove. 
We noted:
  • the consistency of the sap
  • smell
  • the amount we started with
  • the time it took to reduce down
  • the amount we ended up with
  • the taste and texture after cooking

Noting the changes in smell as it boiled down, and started to smell like the syrup we know:)

Hmmmm not much left!!

A little taste test!!

This was such a great experience!! Maple Syrup season is one of our highly anticipated events, we are looking forward to going again next year!!

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