Pre reading Puzzle Game, Free Printable Activity

Miss Ava has been busy with pre reading activities.  The majority of Montessori print materials are handmade in file format containing real life images.  This is a Montessori inspired set I purchased very inexpensively "What Goes Together". This set helps to develop logical thinking, comprehension and problem solving skills.  I would have preferred it have realistic images, but Ava loves this set as did Xander. 
There are are huge amount of files available for pre reading work that are free or inexpensive to purchase. 

I separated the pieces into wooden boxes, and numbered the back to enable Ava to check her own work.  There are 30 sets in this box so that made it difficult to use colour (like I normally would), and I did not have that many stickers on hand so I numbered. This adds in a little number practice for her as well.

I have created a simple FREE What Goes Together printable that we will be using as well.
Your Free copy can be downloaded here Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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Montessori Monday


  1. Thanks for sharing! This is a must do with my girl when she's older! :)

  2. I love the 'What Goes Together' puzzles - we have some just like it, in form, but they are matching letters with beg. sound pictures :) Thanks for the offer of the free printable - I will definitely have to get in touch on facebook!

    1. Thanks Amy!! I will be checking who would like one very soon... just got back from vacation!!:)

  3. I am in love with your site. Thank you so much for taking the time to so thoroughly share your information and experience, it is a huge help! I have a 4.5 and 2.5 year old and we have just started trying to implement Montessori experiences into our daily life with the intention to homeschool with this philosophy. I've looked over so many blogs, but yours is the most helpful. Thank you!

    1. Thanks Adrienne!! I am so happy to hear that!! I think thats a great way to start:)) I greatly apprecite hearing from you, and wish you a wonderful journey!!


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)