Garden Harvesting With Kids

A while back I posted about our planning process for the garden and offered our Kids Garden Planner. This was where we started...

The garden has come in quite nicely and the kids are enjoying a little harvesting!! I thought I would share our progress 😃

This is a cucumber ladder. They are tied as the vines travel up, and the cucumbers hang out the back. Our garden is not large so this is such a space saver for us!!

This tall plant is actually lettuce that self seeded last from last year. We had some great early lettuce!! We left one plant in to grow so the kids could see how it flowers and self seeds again. It is so pretty!!


We love to try a few new things each year and this year was a low growing purple variety of bean. When it is cooked it turns green.

Harvesting peas here.

Ava patiently learning to pinch the peas at the stem and then to remove them as not to damage the vine.

Dinner with our finds!!

A great stir fry...

This is a sliced & blanched Beet Salad with olive oil, goat cheese, red onion, garlic, and some balsamic:)

A few salad greens from the garden.

Gardening with the kids is so rewarding, and such an amazing family learning experience.

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  1. this is such a beautiful post

    1. Thank you so much!! We are loving all things green!!


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