Montessori Hierarchical Presentation At Home - Place Value to One Million

We made an easy DIY version of the Hierarchical Material here. This was our first lesson with the material.

Both kids had seen it, because they kept a close eye in interest as it was created, it's kind of hard to miss.
This lesson was for Xander, but Ava was so excited and was bopping around in excitement. At one point Xander was chatting and Ava had labelled and named the lower values to one thousand, and then finished them off by matching colours.

I decided to blind fold Xander and present him with each value. Visually he was very familiar with the materials, so I thought this would be a fun way to experience it.

We had to make a blindfold adjustment:)

Ava handed him the million cube.  He's such a silly guy.

Proving each value.

He was very excited about the million cube.

Ava wanted to do the lesson, so Xander presented the materials to her.

He was explaining and demonstrating exactly how he knew there were "10" thousands in 10,000 and so forth.

Xander loves to make videos for Lego and many other things, but he also loves to make videos to share his work with daddy when he gets home.

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Montessori Monday


  1. That video is AWESOME! Great job Xander! He really seems to know the concept and he is so funny! I laughed out loud when the cube went flying and at "the bad boy" HAHA. I think my son and yours could be great friends, if only we lived closer.

    1. Thank you!!! He is such a funny guy :) I bet they would be friends:) Xander has asked for a looong time to have his videos of his lessons to be posted online, but I was never really comfortable with it - strange... given how many pictures I post. This was a really fun one though:)

  2. He did SUCH a great job on the video!!! What an articulate boy he is!

    1. That's very sweet of you to say Jessica:) Thank you!!

  3. I showed this to Kal-El and Me Too this morning. Tell him that they liked his video and that they thought he did a great job. They were tickled pink to watch someone their age use the same stuff they do...they think it's weird that none of the classrooms at the public school where we have scouts have any of the things they have.

    1. I bet they do!! My guys love to see pictures and videos of other kids too!! I'll pass that along to him <3 Thank you:)

  4. Absolutely loved the video... Xander is very charming:))

  5. Hi Xander,

    Thank you so much for doing such a GREAT video. When it comes time to show this work to my son, Izaac, I will be showing him your video and I won't have to do any work! Please let me know when I can subscribe to your lessons! Looking forward to more.

    Canberra, Australia (yes, the capital of Australia)

    1. Thanks Tracey!! He will be so pleased to read this comment :)


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)