DIY Montessori Numbered Rods & FREE Printable Cut List

Ava is loving the Number Rods. Until this point she has been interested mainly in assembling the rods. Ava labelled the rods by counting each rod. She also labelled by section. This is an introduction to columns. Above she is pointing to the red block of one section and labelled it. She also counted the number of red or blue sections per column.

 Here she has assembled them this time in columns, and is counting the sections to label them.

Above she is picking random rods, and numbering the sections per rod.

Numbering the 10 rod, backwards and forwards.

This is essentially search for ten. To start, I laid out the ten bar with one bar in front. I asked her to complete the bar.

You can see control of error at work here.

Checking her work.

She made many exchanges, and realized that several sections could make ten.

Assembling the rods vertically.

Ava thought this (her placement of 3) was absolutely hilarious!


For those wishing to create a set of numbered rods at home I am including a FREE printable cut list for the Numbered Rods.

We created our Numbered and Red Rods at the same time. If you plan to do extension work with both sets together it is great to make both sets in the same dimensions.

We cut all of our rods from pine that we had on hand. We sanded our rods extremely well as our children would be running their tiny finger along the rods. I sprayed the entire set of rods with red spray. I used low tact painters tape and covered the sections I wished to remain red and sprayed the rods blue. Then I removed the tape from the red sections after a day of drying.

Check out our Red Rods post here if you missed it!

If you decide to make these please share your work with us!

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Montessori Monday



    I am curious if you have a particular reason for doing 1 to 10 right to left versus left to right? Just wondering :)

    1. Thank you!! None actually, this is the way she assembled the rods:)

  2. AMAZING!!! She made and awesome job!!! I just love her proud face!!!! Congrats!!

    1. Thanks Karen!! She was so proud and excited... me too:)

  3. Hello, it looks like some of your red& blue rods are cut into individual colors ( vs being one long stick) did you make cut pieces to to along with the rods?

  4. ignore my question!!, i re-looked at the photos closer... i can now see that they are rods...thanks!


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