Scooping Cookie Dough, Montessori Practical Life In The Kitchen

My guys love to work in the kitchen, as do most. Much of our practical life work, now happens in tune with daily kitchen life in our home. Ava has spooned cookie dough many times, but this was the first time she was able to use a spring scoop completely on her own! This was very exciting for her to be able to squeeze and release cookie's. She LOVES this tool as does Xander 😍

I transferred the dough from my mixer to a shallow bowl for her to get easier access to the dough. She scooped the entire tray!! We ended up with a sheet of basically one cookie, but it was so awesome.
Ava helped to make the dough. She also operates the stand mixer.

This is our favourite cookie recipe called an Everything Cookie!
A friend shared this recipe with us. 
If you would like to try these - here is the recipe!

Everything Cookies
Mix together
2 cups flour
2 cups oats
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
Cream together
1 cup room temp butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Beat in two eggs
Combine wet & dry ingredients
    Add ins - chocolate chips, raisins, nuts, whatever you like!!               Many times we just go with chocolate.
This dough is STIFF to do by hand I usually use a stand mixer, but have made them by hand many times.
Bake @ 350 for about 8min.

You can check out our practical life/kitchen activities in these posts!

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Montessori Monday


  1. Looks like a really yummy recipe! I need a cookie scoop. It's on my wish list now!

    1. Thanks Aubrey!! I love that you can change it up, and add what you like. I always have to reserve some dough because Miss Ava doesn't like chocolate chips!!! LOL :) The magic of the spring scoop they love it :)


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