Paper Mache Snowman Craft

Do you want to build a Snowman?
We built a family of them here, and this is Miss Ava's addition to the family:)
We started with three balloons on glasses while working. The glasses are easily cleaned, and have some weight to them to stay in place. If you have a younger child something other than glass would be safer. Ava was also supervised.

Our mache mixture this time was white craft glue and warm water. We used scrap newsprint left over from other projects, and tore it into strips.

She dipped and covered. Ava ended up doing basically one good coat of paper, and I added a few more peices here and there for added strength.
This is a bit of a process, so this was as far as she wanted to go:)

We let them dry overnight.

I cut the bottoms out of the balls so that they would sit flat.

Ava stacked and positioned them to her liking. I used the glue gun to secure them in place for her.

 She painted her with white acrylic craft glue from Walmart, and sprinkled her with white sparkles.  We did not use tempera paint because it does not have the best coverage, but you could do a few coats and it would work.

She chose her embellishments. We bought this little pouch of buttons from the dollar store with great pink and brown buttons. Ava chose the buttons for her face and body.

Here she is selecting colours for her felt scarf.

Ava glued on her buttons. After ward I glued them with the hot glue gun to ensure they stayed in place.

I cut the felt into squares to make a scarf.

Cutting the scarf fringe.
I used hot glue to assemble her design.

I cut out a square of orange construction paper to make the nose. Ava rolled and glued it into a cone shape. I hot glued it on.
I did not allow Ava to touch the hot glue gun for safety. You can do this without one but it requires a lot of holding time, and may not last for more than a season.
We are hoping to have her for many years.
Ava broke up some small sticks from the yard for her arms -  I glued them together. Ava held the arms in place for the glue to dry.

Check out some of our other
Holiday fun in these posts!

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  1. I love this! What hard worker you are Ava!! You did a great job at building your snowman. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you!! She did work so hard:) You are so sweet, I will tell her!!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you!! This was fun for Ava to build and customize her own family Christmas keepsake <3


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