Letter & Sound Recognition Activities

Above Ava is using her sandpaper letters and movable alphabet, for a letter matching activity.

This is a great puzzle set that she using for initial letter sounds above.

Above she is working with the letter "Aa"object box, for a sound and letter recognition activity. This tray included objects beginning with the letter "a" and a movable alphabet "a" for each. You can see our small chalk board and letter "a" sandpaper letters peeking out on the right side for writing.

These are our Sound Object Boxes - I posted about making them here. Ava has been hugely interested in these boxes for the last few months. I did present these to her some time ago, but her interest level was just not there yet.  I had a fairly clear indication she was ready when she showed up in my room one Sat morning with these three boxes in hand, and she sorted beginning letter sounds on my pillow.

She is making the letter sound several times as she places the object.

Taking a picture with the c...c...c... camera:)

She is writing letters everywhere!! We set her up with the iPad so that she could write to her hearts content we were going through crazy amounts of paper 😃 
This is the lite FREE White Board App on the iPad, but there are several really great others.

This is another great letter tracing app.  The finger must stay on the dotted line, or the lines do not appear. Then the child's writing is transferred to the chalk board below.

When she is finished writing she touches each letter and and fireworks go off!!

Matching upper and lower case letters are also part of this app.

Below is another letter sound app.  The child must choose the correct beginning letter sound from a series of images. This is also a letter tracing app that she loves. There are so many great ones out there!!!

Miss Ava has had a funny relationship with letters and sounds in that when she was two and half years she could recognize about half of her alphabet, then she lost complete interest and was down to just a few.  At around three and a half she became keen again and then stopped.  Every child is different and Xander could recognise all letters at two and a half, and all sounds by four.
We seem to have entered a phase of sustained interest, so we'll see where it takes us.

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