Montessori Inspired Holiday Pre writing Activity

This is an extension of Ava's Metal Inset work with a Christmas inspired twist. This is beyond simple but Ava loved it 💗
The Montessori Metal Inset work is early preparation for writing. This material is a series of metal shapes in frames - much like a puzzle frame with one piece.
We have used these (early on) simply as puzzles, and for shape recognition. The insets helped/help                      my children develop muscle control and memory, and to understand pressure                                               control when creating lines.

I used foam shapes from the dollar store, because I had them in our Christmas craft boxes. These shapes are a little tricky to trace, and require a little practice to get the hang of holding them down and re positioning. Ava was ready to do this, but a smaller child could use cookie cutters to trace as well.

You could also make your own shapes with card stock, Bristol board, or laminate coloured paper. You can create much simpler forms if needed. I like this one because you can completely customize this activity to your child's needs.

Ava loves to draw, colour and create art so this was wonderful for her.
I used regular 81/2 x 11 paper, and cut it roughly square to fit our shapes.
These can simply be used as art work, or given as cards when you use card stock.
Ava is going to make a Christmas Booklet with hers 💕

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