Amazing Minecraft Mod - Java Programming Course for Kids

Xander is completely taken with Minecraft. If you are not familiar with it check this video out! Minecrafters span a large age range, and it has been an amazing learning opportunity for Xander.
He connects with a small group of home schoolers who Skype and play the game together, on our own secure home servers. This is just amazing to watch!! They are working together, learning, laughing and collaborating, to create and explore together.

One of our amazing moms sent us a link to the Homeschool Buyers Co-op for a group purchase opportunity for a Minecraft Mod Building Course from Youth Digital. They are using the Java programming language to create their own Mod!!
The course is for children 8-14 years of age, and they work through multi lesson modules to complete the course. We really loved the idea because it is very open ended, and you can work on the modules at your own pace and schedule. Purchasing through the Co-op gave us a 45% savings on the course.
Xander is beyond excited, and has started the initial introductions and setup for the course.
This was his reaction to the intro videos 😁

Xander will work through the modules with some help from developer Daddy should he be in  need.
I thought I would pass this along for those who may be interested in the course or Minecraft.
I will let you all know how it goes!!
There are an incredible range of programming for kids resources available now.

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  1. This looks like a fantastic opportunity

    1. I think it is!! He is so excited. I hope he loves it:)

  2. This looks like something my son would love. The homeschool co-op buyers group expired for it already though. Maybe they will have it again sometime.
    Can you tell me, is this something that a whole group could use together? Like if our homeschool group had a bunch of kids we could split the cost of this and have them all use it together? Or would each of us have to buy it separately? Our homeschool group has a mine craft club and I think they would enjoy this but I doubt we could do it if we each had to pay that price for it. It would be very doable if we could split the cost between the group though. I couldn't find this info on the website and the buyer group just showed that it was expired with no other info. Thanks

  3. The offer has expired but it looks like there will be another group buy coming. The program gives you one account and it states that the licence is for one child :( If you click on the Digital Youth link it takes you to the course outline. It worked out to be just over $140 for one child with tons of support, and a year access to complete the course. It isn't inexpensive that's for sure, but comparable to other classes we have done. What we have seen so far looks really amazing!!

  4. This sounds like something DJ would love too! Thank you for sharing and love that pic of Xander!

    1. I bet it would be! I think it will be really good for him! Thank you :)


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