Imaginative Play Crochet Crown

If you follow us on Facebook you will know that I started learning the art of crochet over the holidays.  I am trying some basic stuff, and am having so much fun with it! I was picking up some yarn and Miss Ava spotted this little ball of sparkly red yarn, and was requesting I make her a crown with it!

So we hunted online for a crown that I was "hoping" I could crochet for her, and founds tons! I was so exited. This is such a sweet little addition to her dress up collection of goodies.

                  I have done a few different stitches now, and with minimal mistakes was able to                        make this crown for her 💓

This is the tutorial I used :) Everyone who does these videos has the best nails!!

I followed the basic tutorial, but added a second shell stitch to each point attaching it with chains of three down to the corners of each of the bottoms shells. This made the points much taller. I am not sure I would use this yarn again (for this) because it really soft and fine. I think a heavier yarn would stand up more, but Ava LOVED this yarn!!

This is the basic crown with one shell for each point, and below you can see I have added the second.

This was so fast and fun to make!!! Many times when doing tutorials I find "other tutorials" on basic stitches so that I can go back and complete the tutorial, because sometimes they assume you already know the stitches. I love the way this turned out, she also had a fantastic little tiara to make as well!!

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  1. Ohh, this is a fantastic idea! I knit, though I don't know how to crochet. In the past we've done felt crowns with a bit of hand embroidery for special birthdays and dress-up. Yours is so sweet, and I love how it fits on the head. You did a wonderful job!

    1. Thank you Abbie!! That is fantastic that you are a knitter! I have done very little tradional knitting but do love to loom knit:) It is so much easier than I ever imagined - mind you I am doing basic work. I love the felt crown idea!!

  2. That is amazing! :) I enjoy sewing, although nothing complicated Thank You (hahaha), but am totally intimidated by the thought of learning to crochet! :) I do enjoy seeing what others can do, however - you did great! I have a little girl (my Bug on the blog) who would adore a crown like this!

    1. Oh my Amy... I was so intimidated by crochet as well!!!
      Once I started though with just a few basic stitches and the Youtube tutorials I couldn't believe how simple it can be! Now like anything it can be incredibly complicated as well but I love all of the more simple designs for various things so it's working out really well. Thanks again Amy :)

  3. how cute! I tried to replace our horrible plastic ones with painted lace ones but they do not work very nicely, so this looks like a wonderful solution! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks!!! We have lots of the plastic ones as well because she does love them LOL :) This is a fun alternative and you can make so many variations!


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)