Shakespeare & Theatre For Kids

I have mentioned in the past that our family belongs to an amazing home school group. We have a wonderful theatre company who runs a class for our children in the 8+ range. This years production is a play about Shakespeare called "The Masterpiece". This is an original play written for our class based on character's from Shakespeare's work. Shakespeare has been requested to write a play, and falls off into dream land - entering various characters from his past works.

Xander is playing the role of Shakespeare, and is so beyond excited (above reading his script).
This is his first year in the older Main Stage class and it is a pretty special experience for him. Many of the children have been in the group for several years and are so talented, it really is a fantastic opportunity!!

We have done a little reading in the past about Shakespeare but have taken this opportunity to learn a little more. I thought I would share some of the resources we are using.

My mother found this gem and passed it to Xander. They spent some time going through and identifying all of the characters in his script and naming/recording the play the were from.

There are many versions of this available.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

This is an amazing kid friendly DK EyeWitness book about Shakespeare, but also covers a great deal of the history of theater. You can see some of the content listed above.
Shakespeare (DK Eyewitness Books)

This is another one we love! It is part of a series of books by Scholastic called Voyages of Discovery. You can see it open below to pages about Shakespeare and the building of the Globe Theater. This is a wonderful book filled with amazing images and history.
The World of Theater: Performing Arts (Voyages of Discovery)

I have posted about this book in the past and Xander has done some reading from it, but we will use it in some later study. This book has some really interesting activities.

Xander is also reading Romeo and Juliet:) His reaction to all of the romantic "stuff" is quite interesting. He is really loving it! This is the version we are using. This is a really great book and also part of a series. There are story notes and drawings from kids Xander's age throughout, that are just wonderful and he finds them really funny.

The other thing we have been doing is watching some animated plays of Shakespeare's. I will say that the subject matter in some are a bit strong (in my opinion for Xander), so I watched the plays beforehand to gauge. There were a couple we will wait to watch. Overall he is enjoying them and it has sparked a ton of conversation!
Here is a link to one and there is a list of others.
We have a yearly Shakespeare in the Park festival close by that we will also attend this year!
This has been just incredible for Xander! His Theatre Company teacher/owner is so amazing with the kids, and beyond talented. We are so very lucky to have her!!

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1 comment:

  1. Way to go young man!! I look forward to seeing posts about the play, it sounds like it will be a lot of fun:) How fortunate you are to have a theatre group offering opportunities to younger children!!


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