Fantastic Home School Science Kits & Books

One of the most exciting things about homeschooling for us is the hunt for resources. I am always on the look out for new materials to meet the interests of the children to build our unit study work. I thought I would share some of the great things we have found with you!

I have been checking out tons of Science kits and materials to add to our unit study work. There are so many amazing materials available and I have pinned many things we are interested in on our Science kit board on Pinterest. I liked the above kit because it had such a great range of material that it covered for a good value. This will kick start much of our future study work.

We have many science books in our collection but have added several more. Xander loves 
DK Eyewitness Books. They are detailed and clearly written and have amazing photography. He spent some time choosing the titles of interest to him.

This is a little kit that I found to add into some beginning chemistry unit study.

This little solar system kit is mainly for Ava as she is completely taken with anything solar system related. Here are a couple of our solar system posts if you missed them!

Geology is a huge topic of interest for Xander, and very much for Ava. We have a large unit study coming, and these kits were amazing! We are using this Montessori Geology manual.

Xander is very excited to start an Archaeology Unit. This one will wait until spring because we have some interesting outdoor activities planned:)

I purchased this inexpensive kit to add in with a couple of different units.  

Xander was super interested in this book about crime detection and I had already bought the forensics kit below so this should be a fun one!

Engineering and Architecture is another study I am compiling and this is a great book to add!

This falls more under history unit study work, but I thought I would show this one that Xander picked. He is very taken with the Story of the Titanic tragedy. This in an incredible historical event that we actually have already spent some time exploring, but will share our full unit later.

You can check out some our Science and Nature work in the following links if you missed them!

Thanks for visiting with us!

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I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)