Montessori Decanomial Layout Printables

We are very excited to be offering a 
printable package for this work!!!

The Decanomial layout is presented nearing the end of Multiplication Fact Memorization work in our 3-6 manual. Even though this is an early math manual, this work stretches to a suggested 8 years plus for some lessons nearing the end. 

The Geometric Layout (with tiles) can be used much earlier in a sensorial capacity. I will be using it with Ava shortly. 
An advantage to having the printable is that you can laminate one "puzzle" with large contact paper to create a puzzle mat to build on.

There are many lessons for both the bead and geometric forms of this work. I have included all of the labels, but as the child progresses they will make their own and can use the control charts to check their own work.  

Some lessons require the use of Bead Cabinet Squares and Cubes. We do offer complete printable Bead Cabinet Materials if needed.
 I have also included printable beads to create the Decanomial Bead Box. You need 55 of each bead bar 1-10 to complete the box. 

This file includes:
Montessori Decanomial Geometric Layout Cards
Montessori Decanomial Geometric Layout  Control Chart
Blackline Copy for colouring or labeling

Decanomial Bead Stairs to make the Decanomial Bead Layout.

The Labeled Decanomial Numeric Layout  Control Chart
Labels for the Decanomial Numeric Layout

Decanomial Bead Layout for Squaring Labels
Decanomial Bead Layout for Cubing Labels

Decanomial Equation Layout Labels
Decanomial Equation Layout  Control Chart

Decanomial Algebraic Layout Labels
Decanomial Algebraic Layout  Control Chart (later)

There are many amazing videos online to see this work in action. Again though a good manual is a huge asset to fully understand the scope and all lessons for this work.

Thanks for visiting with us!


  1. I would love to use this printable. We are just at this point. Do you offer it now anywhere else? I see that the link is no longer available. Is it somewhere else?

    1. Hi there! You can find it at

      Thanks for asking,


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)