A Montessori Journey to Read

Following Xander, and now Ava along her journey to read has been such a wonderful experience.
Ava is fascinated with Pink Series activities, as was Xander. She has travelled at her own speed in her own time.

As I said we do not schedule the children (not that I think others should not) this works well for us. Ava LOVES all things letters and writing, so really my job was to find beautiful interesting things for her to explore when these sparks of interest hit.

Some are not a fan of the Montessori reading series, but we absolutely love it! Ava will work with Pink Series materials until she is ready to move on.

Below you will find a collection of posts to take a look at this journey that we've taken. 

Reading her first Bob Books!

If you would like to visit some of our early language posts you are welcome to visit the links below!

Our beginner readers. The links below are to all of the sets we own and love!!

Thanks for visiting with us!


  1. It is great to hear that the PBG series works for some children :) I tried so hard to make it work for the children in my care when at the time I started my own Montessori journey. Amd I couldn't find it any of Montessori's writings... Then I discovered it was developed after her death specifically for American children.

    So I knew it had to work for some people and I love success stories :)

    1. Thank you! Speaking for myself only - I think it is important to understand what works for individual children. If this were not a well loved successful option I certainly would have moved in a different direction. I loved that it is such a fun playful approach with no pressure. It's wonderful and important that you explored other options to suit the needs of the/your children, there are so many!!

  2. Where did you get your avas rug?

    1. Hi Lauren! We found this one at Ikea for about $3.99 I think.


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)