I pulled out a folding table and filled it with bird goodies. Xander is holding a set of bird and nest cards I made from wikipedia. You can find everything you need here to make these should you desire. I had a few different fallen nests that I had collected on the table. Our Montessori Bird puzzle and labelling set. Montessori Animal Puzzle Cabinet with 5 Puzzles
This activity set includes a basic set of animals to match your animal puzzle cabinet. They include black line masters and labels for the parts of each animal. Ava loves these puzzles and activity sets. You can make them so easily though. You could draw or print an image of a bird and laminate/ cut into pieces. Print a duplicate black and white image - one with labelled parts (control) and one without. Then make a set of labels. This way you could use a larger image and of a real bird!!
We also had our magnifying glasses and pocket scope and some great books. We used this set of cards of birds and their feet.
The bird fact sheets above are are from various spots on the net, and I made a few more to match our Safari Ltd Backyard Birds TOOB
The main nests we see in the yard are Cardinals, Robins and Grackles. We also get visitors to the gardens from humming birds, chickadees, Blue Jays and many more. Above is our Backyard Guide that I made for the kids a couple years ago.
Drawing and tracing birds 😃
We had great fun building nests!! We gathered some great material from the yard to build our own nests. It's hard to beat mud mixing!!
Filling our feeders
Waiting for friends to visit our feeders 😃
I will say that this was fun, but the majority of our interest in learning about birds has come through some amazing experiences, that I will show a few highlights from.
Mommy keeping an eye on things...
This is Frederick who lives at my sisters house. He is a funny guy.
During this visit there were about three geese in the yard with nests. This was such a great learning experience (how lucky for children living on farms), they had all hatched before we left.
Victoria Butterfly Gardens, amazing birds!
We visit our local Nature Museum often!! They have the most amazing floor dedicated to birds!! They also have a fantastic play bird clinic.
Visiting our local Bird Sanctuary
Thanks for visiting with us!
I love this! We have the same set of Toob figures, although we haven't used them *yet* for learning - just for fun. I have plans to use them in our school time this year, though. I also made some free printables for use, in case you are interested - I just thought of them when I saw this post. You can find them on my blog, under the Free Printables header - anything that says 'Backyard BIids' with it :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Amy!! It is a great tube and when Ava pulls the birds out we chat about the names and such, she is in love with them <3 I will check out your printables!!! Thank you so much for sharing them with us :)