Montessori Six Kingdoms Complete Printable Charts, and Activities

In this post I am going to spend some time introducing you to our Six Kingdoms Complete Set of Charts and Activities. I spent a great deal of time trying to find affordable quality charts and materials that were complete and had activities to go with them. I found tons of amazing stuff out there, and some were very very expensive and some not so, but in the end could not find what I was looking for. We have spent a great deal of time creating our own! 
All of the photography in the files is my own. If I did not have an image or graphic that I needed I created an original digital image. This was a huge amount of work and took a great deal of effort and time. We are so excited with the results and our children LOVE the materials, and that is of the greatest up-most importance to us, because in turn we hope that your children will love them every bit as much!. I hope this package will be helpful to you. 
Early work with botany and zoology have lead you toward work with the Six Kingdoms of Life.        We are using the Montessori Research and Development Elementary Biology Manual(s) as a basic guideline for this work.
This manual set has two volumes part 1 & 2. Part 1 looks at Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells, Fungi, Protista, Bacteria and it still lists Archaea under the Bacteria Kingdom, which has now been classified into it's own Kingdom.
In part two you will look at the Plant & Animal Kingdoms and cells.  All of our visits to the zoo, botanical gardens,  nature walks and discoveries that our children have made, created a base of building blocks for this work.

It was never important to me that my children memorize the names of every different species and facts as much as they appreciate the value, beauty and diversity of life.

It wasn’t important to me that I have all the answers , as much as it was/ is about the journey to find them, and that my children ARE asking questions lots of questions! 
We made the most of this journey and quest for answers, because it is this process that was so very valuable.

If you have not explored a great deal in terms of Zoology (animals) and Botany (plant life) no worries,  it's never too late to start. Plan some simple fun outings, and just get started!

Here are a couple of posts to check out...

So here we are with more questions than ever about our natural world, and it for us this was the perfect time to introduce the Six Kingdoms. From here many more questions and areas of study will open up, including a journey into the human body to take a much closer in depth look at anatomy.

Your journey may not look like ours, and that is ok. Do what works for you. This is just the flow and order of things that worked for our family and children, do what makes sense for you.

I found it hard when we started our Montessori journey to not get caught up in the popular activities I was seeing online, and especially thinking I needed to do it all and in the timeline that others were doing it.
If you get caught in that trap you will end up ultimately following the crowd and not the flow of your children and family. 

The internet is an amazing resource and if you use it as a resource instead of a guideline/timeline then you will make the most of it for your family and needs. Think of how incredible it is that there are millions of people posting and sharing their incredible ideas and work with their children at different times, places, and paces. We have the opportunity to draw from that whatever it is that you need at your pace in your own time. I am in awe of the internet, social media and all of the sharing and resources available to us. It has never been a more exciting time to be a home learner.

I found this work to be a bit confusing trying to piece it all together in the beginning, so I am hopeful this will give you a good understanding of the work.

This is a HUGE file!! Our Six Kingdom files contain 180 Pages including the materials and instructions, suggestions for use and also included are materials and suggestions suited to create lap books and journals with your children should you choose.
The materials are scale-able to include smaller children in various activities as this was also a need for us.
We have also included a set Eukaryotic Cell 3 Part Cards, and Prokaryotic Cell 3 Part Cards and Definitions.

I have also included a full set of printable labels to help you organize your materials.

This set of books is absolutely amazing!! I looked for quite some time to find great books to accompany these materials. I love these books because they give such a clear picture of the Six Kingdoms and a practical understanding with beautiful images and concise but in depth facts.
I have included a second graphic of links to these books so our  mobile friends can see them! 

Six Kingdoms Charts
Page of Instructions to do this work including additional suggestions and ideas for Lap book and Journal work.
Full Colour Control Chart
Full Colour Working Chart
Full Colour Cards 
Blk line working Chart

Six Kingdoms 3 Part Cards

Six Kingdoms Cell Types Chart 
Six Kingdoms Cell Types Working Chart
Six Kingdoms Cells Types Cards (chart to cut apart for working)
Six Kingdoms Cell Types Blk line working Chart

Prokaryotic Cell 3 Part Cards
Prokaryotic Cell Definition Cards
Prokaryotic Cell Full Colour labelled Chart
Prokaryotic Cell Full Colour unlabelled Chart
Prokaryotic Cell Black line Chart
Prokaryotic Cell Labels

Eukaraotic Cell 3 Part Cards
Eukaraotic Cell Definition Cards
Eukaraotic Cell Full Colour labelled Chart
Eukaraotic Cell Full Colour unlabelled Chart
Eukaraotic Cell Black line Chart
Eukaraotic Cell Labels

Six Kingdoms Bacteria Charts 
Six Kingdoms Bacteria Charts
Page of Instructions to do this work including additional suggestions and ideas for Lap book and Journal work.
Full Colour Control Chart
Full Colour Working Chart
Full Colour Cards 
Blk line working Chart

Six Kingdoms Bacteria Shapes Chart

Six Kingdoms Archaea Charts 

Six Kingdoms Archaea Charts
Page of Instructions to do this work including additional suggestions and ideas for Lap book and Journal work.
Full Colour Control Chart
Full Colour Working Chart
Full Colour Cards 
Blk line working Chart

Six Kingdoms Plantae Charts 

Six Kingdoms Plantae Charts
Page of Instructions to do this work including additional suggestions and ideas for Lap book and Journal work.
Full Colour Control Chart
Full Colour Working Chart
Full Colour Cards 
Blk line working Chart

Six Kingdoms Plantae 3 Part Cards

Six Kingdoms Plantae Vascular Non Vascular Chart 
Six Kingdoms Working Chart
Six Kingdoms Cards (chart to cut apart for working)
Six Kingdoms  Blk line working Chart

Six Kingdoms Fungi Charts

Six Kingdoms Fungi Charts
Page of Instructions to do this work including additional suggestions and ideas for Lap book and Journal work.
Full Colour Fungi Control Chart
Full Colour Fungi Working Chart
Full Colour Fungi Cards 
Blk line working Chart

Six Kingdoms Fungi 3 Part Cards

 Six Kingdoms Protista Charts

Six Kingdoms Protista Charts
Page of Instructions to do this work including additional suggestions and ideas for Lap book and Journal work.
Full Colour Protista Control Chart
Full Colour Working Chart
Full Colour Cards 
Blk line working Chart

 Six Kingdoms Animalia Charts

Six Kingdoms Animalia Charts
Page of Instructions to do this work including additional suggestions and ideas for Lap book and Journal work.
Full Colour Animalia Control Chart
Full Colour Working Chart
Full Colour Cards 
Blk line working Chart

Six Kingdoms Animalia 3 Part Cards

Vertebrate Invertebrate
Six Kingdoms Animalia Vertebrate Invertebrate Chart 
Six Kingdoms Animalia Vertebrate Invertebrate Working Chart
Six Kingdoms Animalia Vertebrate Invertebrate Cards (chart to cut apart for working)
Six Kingdoms Animalia Vertebrate Invertebrate Blk line working Chart

Animalia Vertebrate Invertebrate 3 Part Cards & Sorting Set
Animalia Vertebrate Invertebrate Sorting Control Cards and Labels

Spinal Column 3 Part Cards
Spinal Column Definition Cards

Spinal Column Colour Labelled Chart
Spinal Column Colour Unlabelled Chart
Spinal Column Blank Chart

Mammal Non Mammal
Six Kingdoms Animalia Mammal Non Mammal Chart 
Six Kingdoms Animalia Mammal Non Mammal Working Chart
Six Kingdoms Animalia Mammal Non Mammal Cards (chart to cut apart for working)
Six Kingdoms Animalia Mammal Non Mammal Blk line working Chart

Animalia Mammal Non Mammal 3 Part Cards & Sorting Set
Animalia Mammal Non Mammal Sorting Control Cards and Labels

Animal Feeding Classification Herbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore
Six Kingdoms Animalia Feeding Classification Chart 
Six Kingdoms Animalia Feeding Classification Working Chart
Six Kingdoms Animalia Feeding Classification Cards (chart to cut apart for working)
Six Kingdoms Animalia Feeding Classification Blk line working Chart

Animalia Feeding Classification 3 Part Cards & Sorting Set
Animalia Feeding Classification Sorting Control Cards and Labels

 Six Kingdoms Taxonomy Activities 

Six Kingdoms Taxonomy 
Page of Instructions to do this work including additional suggestions and ideas for Lap book and Journal work.

Taxonomy Systems of Classification Chart for Three, Five & Six Kingdoms
Full Colour Taxonomy Systems of Classification Control Chart
Full Colour Working Chart
Full Colour Page to create working Cards 

Taxonomy Classification of Life Charts
Full Colour Taxonomy Classification of life Control Chart
Full Colour Working Chart
Full Colour Cards 

Taxonomy Key Ring Quick Reference Flip Chart
Taxonomy label Cards
Taxonomy Rank Definition Cards

Taxonomy labeling activity
Full colour Specimen cards 
Full colour Specimen taxonomy label cards 
Full colour specimen labelled Control Chart

Taxonomy research Activity
32 Full colour specimen cards with questions and clues to find in your charts.
Instructions to create lap book and journal pages

Taxonomy of Human Activity
Full Colour Taxonomy of Humans Control Chart
Full Colour Working Chart
Full Colour Cards to create from master

Lab Cards
6 Different Simple easy to follow Microscope lab activities

Microscope there are many options available. We chose a binocular scope because it's easy on the eyes, and you can also have your digital camera in one eye piece while you work with the other. We did upgrade our camera though. Check this post for more details about our scope and materials we purchased to go along with it.

I created a short video to give you a good picture of how we prepared the materials and how we are using them. I had far to many images to post here so this was a great option to give you an inside look!  


  1. This looks absolutely amazing. What a comprehensive pack you have put together - fantastic!

    1. Thanks Lolly I really appreciate your feed back! The work took a great deal longer than I ever expected, but we are so happy with the results and the kids are loving it!

  2. Wonderfully complete.Beautifully photographed!!! What a great resource.

    1. Thank you so much we worked hard to make sure it was!! It was so much fun to put together all of the photography for the project. It was very important to me to use all of my own images and graphics but also a big challenge!! Thanks again!

  3. This is so wonderful. Thank you so much!!

    1. Thank you so much for commenting and letting me know!!!! I appreciate the comments so very much!!

  4. Hi Cherine,

    So definitely want to buy. What amazing work! Just in time for me wanting to do this too. Any chance you can sell each of the units/charts separately, please? I'd happily pay a bit more per unit, just to buy as I need them.

    warm regards,

    1. Hi Tracey!!! Yes!! I am in the process of getting the individual chart work up. It is a bit of a job. I will have them up in the next day or two. Thanks for asking :)

  5. Hi Cherine, just bought the package and the math package as well. I wondered if there is a way to make a shopping cart? I found that I had to go to PayPal and pay for each item sepeatly. I generate extra charges when I pay this way so wondered if there is a way around it.


    1. I wish there were Alicia! Perhaps they will offer this option in the future. I have kept the cost very low to compensate, and also offer packages very deeply discounted. Thank you so much for supporting our work!!!


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)