NEW!! Six Kingdoms Individual Printable Material Packages Now Available & Animal & Plant Cell 3 Part Cards!!

NEW!!! Our Six Kingdoms Printable Packages are now available to you separately!! 

This is a look at the scientific classification of all living things on our planet. This work is introduced in Elementary Biology Level 2 - Part 1&2 Manuals from Montessori Research and Development in case you are interested. Part 1 looks at Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells. It still lists Archaea under the Bacteria Kingdom which has now been classified into it's own Kingdom, as well Protista & Fungi.  In part 2 you will look at the Plant & Animal Kingdoms and cells. You can look at a full table of contents on their site. This work follows all of your earlier animal and plant work - Zoology & Botany.

Note: The entire package is greatly reduced, but if you prefer you can now purchase each package separately.

 Kingdom Animalia & Materials Package Labels included.

NEW!!!! I have also created Animal & Plant Cells 3 Part Cards.  I created these cards specifically to accompany our Plant & Animal Cell Models. I found these on Amazon and they come with a definition booklet, thus I did not create definition cards.

These models can be taken apart and assembled by your child. We bought them some time ago during prep for these materials.

If you are interested in our Animal and Plant Cell package you can visit our Printable Store here.

This work is covered in Elementary Biology part 2 though you may have seen it done earlier with younger children. This depends entirely on your child and their level of interest. Again do what works for you. Visit our Science Boards on Pinterest for some great ideas to build your own cells.

Thank you for visiting with us!


  1. Amazing materials Cherine - and very generous of you to share your three part cards. I will be pinning and sharing :)

    1. Thanks Lolly!! I hope they are useful, and I really appreciate your telling me :) Thank you for the shares!!

  2. Thank you for sharing your printables. This remark may sound facetious, but it is sincere. Thanks for also including an "advertisement" for the whole bundle. The bundle looks great! I am a Montessori newbie, and am easily overwhelmed by all of the materials I am collecting. I appreciate being able to see at a glance the complete set for this printable, so that I can buy it later, when I am ready. :)

    1. Thank you for saying so Ammie :) I had always intended to offer this as a bundle. It is so much material to try and pull together!! I always felt it difficult to piece everything and was always trying to find a good solution to what I was looking for. Thank you so much for commenting, and I wish you the very best of luck <3


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)