Cave Exploring - Geology With Kids

We have had a busy summer! We paid a visit to Bonnechere Caves a few years back, and it was definitely worth revisiting. 
They have an amazing fossil presentation at the beginning of the tour.

This is an absolutely stunning channel of limestone caves, that have been carved out by water. 
The caves are pumped out each spring so that visitors can tour the site. 
The caves have the most incredible stalactites! Fascinating for the kids!!

We have great renewed interest in Geology! 
The kids received a rock tumbler for Christmas last year and are anxious to get it going now!!

Feeling around for a bat.... and no he didn't find one!

A beautiful trek back up to the top and small walk along the trails, to see the sink hole where the cave was discovered.

The kids LOVE all things to do with rocks and minerals. We have done lots of fun things like visiting sites like this, and many museums. We have an incredible museum of nature close to us that has the most amazing hands on geology exhibits. Most children are fascinated with rocks and their natural outdoor environment, that makes geology such a dream to explore with them!

A few books and resources we have used, and will be using in the near future aside from our trips and exploring.

Montessori elementary lessons are amazing because they present material to children in such a natural, hands on, engaging comprehensive way. 
However, there is no greater guide than your child.

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