Complete Continents Study Package GIVEAWAY!

Thank you to all who have followed and supported Making Montessori Ours in sharing our home learning journey 💕

We are super excited to GIVEAWAY a Complete Continent Study Package!

Montessori World Continents Package
This is a huge collection of incredible materials to add to your Geography studies at home or in any classroom. This is a fantastic package to give your child an introduction to their global community. The Continent Maps are a graphic representation of the Montessori Continent Puzzle Maps. The World Oceans and Seas are generally sold separately as control maps.   Puzzle maps do not generally come with labels or control maps making this a great addition to your materials or to use completely.
This package includes our complete collection of Geography Continent Materials! 
Including the following:
Maps Full Colour labelled and unlabelled, Black line Labelled and unlabelled
Continent Map Country Labels
Flag 3 Part Cards for each country
Pin Map Flags for each country
Continent 3 Part Card Collection including Landmarks, Animals, and Art 
Animal Figure Artist Cards for your animal figure collections or use on their own!
North America
Maps Full Colour labelled and unlabelled, Black line Labelled and unlabelled
Continent Map Country Labels
Flag 3 Part Cards for each country
Pin Map Flags for each country
Continent 3 Part Card Collection including Landmarks, Animals, and Art 
Animal Figure Artist Cards for your animal figure collections or use on their own!
South America
Maps Full Colour labelled and unlabelled, Black line Labelled and unlabelled
Continent Map Country Labels
Flag 3 Part Cards for each country
Pin Map Flags for each country
Continent 3 Part Card Collection including Landmarks, Animals, and Art 
Animal Figure Artist Cards for your animal figure collections or use on their own!
Maps Full Colour labelled and unlabelled, Black line Labelled and unlabelled
Continent Map Country Labels
Flag 3 Part Cards for each country
Pin Map Flags for each country
Continent 3 Part Card Collection including Landmarks, Animals, and Art 
Animal Figure Artist Cards for your animal figure collections or use on their own!
Maps Full Colour labelled and unlabelled, Black line Labelled and unlabelled
Continent Map Country Labels
Flag 3 Part Cards for each country
Pin Map Flags for each country
Continent 3 Part Card Collection including Landmarks, Animals, and Art 
Animal Figure Artist Cards for your animal figure collections or use on their own!
Maps Full Colour labelled and unlabelled, Black line Labelled and unlabelled
Continent Map Country Labels
Flag 3 Part Cards for each country
Pin Map Flags for each country
Continent 3 Part Card Collection including Landmarks, Animals, and Art 
Animal Figure Artist Cards for your animal figure collections or use on their own!
World Continents AND Oceans & Seas Map Package
Including World Oceans & Seas Maps in colour and black line labelled and unlabelled.
World Continents and Seas Labels for maps or to create Pin Map labels
World Continents 3 Part Cards
World Continents Pin Maps pieces
World Landmark figure Artist cards for matching landmark figure or to use on their own.
Labels for all Continents and Countries are included
BONUS: Penguin Figure 3 Part Cards, Arctic Animal Figure 3 Part Cards!
This package is HUGE and and so exciting for us to be able to offer!
BONUS: UNITED STATES & CANADA MAPS in full colour labelled and unlabelled also includes State and Province Labels!! 

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Next ENTER by choosing at least one option below!

In case you missed some of our Geography posts!

Thanks for visiting with us!


  1. This looks great! I love all the Geography stuff on your page!

  2. Thanks so much Melanie!! So happy you entered!

  3. This is a wonderful giveaway, and I thank you for your generosity and caring for children and families.

    1. What a beautiful thing to say <3 Thank you Pamela!!

  4. Thank you for the giveaway - I'm still looking forward to your book being released!! ;)

  5. I am a subscriber. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I adore this blog and often recommend it to other mommas. Keep the posts coming. <3

    1. Wow thank you so much. That's so wonderful to hear!!

  7. I love your blog! I discovered Montessori as I searched for a Homeschooling approach - but then became overwhelmed with the plethora of materials to make. Great to see how possible it could be - though I am still overwhelmed by the amount of materials. How to whittle it down? I would so love to homeschool for Elementary (our daughter has been in a tiny preschool - as I get my bearings for Elementary). I would love to know which are the absolute must haves! Great to see the creativity!

    1. I so wish I had an easy answer for you. I am working daily to finish our book, and so hope it will answer so many of these common questions about incorporating Montessori into your home learning and life. I delve deeply into the materials and what they actually do for your child. We explore extensively how these needs can be met in many different ways, aside from the materials themselves. In the beginning I was so overwhelmed because much is shared, but in small controlled doses. It can be difficult to make sense of it all. I am writing this book in effort to share with families and individuals a practical explanation of Montessori at home. My goal is to help and encourage in that, the way that works for your children is the right way. No matter the carpets you use, or the order in which you introduce letters to your preschooler. Our home learning journey has basically boiled down to respect, kindness, and sharing in our home. We do what ever we can to explore the vast interests of our children, and to answer their questions. More importantly we work with them to build the skills and knowledge they are seeking, to explore and find answers on their own. We are working to answer every question we have ever been asked, in addition to all of the questions and concerns we also had. We also share a great deal about where our home learning journey has taken us. This book is filled with practical complete information and alternatives to give home learners a clear understanding of Montessori at home. This book is not about creating busy work activities. You all will be the first to know when the book is available. We are so excited to share it! Thank you for commenting it really means a great deal to hear from those who read our posts, and visit us here!

  8. This is an AMAZING giveaway!! Thank you so much for making this resource available to others! I LOVE your ideas and your blog!!

    Amy D.

    1. Thank you Amy I really greatly appreciate your letting me know <3

  9. What a generous generous gift to the children and to the mums and dads who are trying so hard. I'm a very non creative mum and trying to homeschool 2 boys. It is tough mostly because I'm not sure the materials I offer them "cut it". Your blog is inspirational, I gather hope and confidence from the knowledge you share and when my kids faces light up, I send myself a high 5! Thank you!!

    1. Alyssa thank you so much for writing to tell me. It is so amazing to hear from those who read our blog, and visit our pages. Often if those who read do not connect with us in comments or subscribing so it's hard to know if we are making an impact or helping. It's wonderful to hear :) Thank you!!

  10. This is fantastic!


I greatly appreciate your friendly comments and feedback. I love to see what others are making, so please feel free to include a links and share your site with us!!! If you have any questions regarding any of the materials we have made...I'd love to help!!! Thank you for visiting us:)